Diatomaceous Earth with Neem | Dr Mercola | 454g

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There€™s an ancient secret for keeping your pet comfortable during flea season, and protecting your home and yard against pesky insects. One that doesn€™t use harsh chemical products on your pet or around your home.BenefitsWhile not a pesticide, it makes life miserable for insects and is harmless to humans, mammals, birds, and reptiles.Because diatomaceous earth by itself can by very drying, Dr Mercola decided to add organic neem leaf powder to create the blend Diatomaceous Earth with Neem. Neem leaf powder has many moisturising properties and helps reduce excess dryness and scaling, and soothes irritated skin. But there€™s more to neem leaf that just its moisturising properties.Insects and pests don€™t like neem either. The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) has existed for thousands of years because it protects itself against insects.You can also use Diatomaceous Earth with Neem around your home, along walls, on your carpets and floors, and in crevices between appliances.It€™s useful in your garden, too, to help aerate soil and provide vital soil minerals.You can even use it outdoors to help chase away mosquitoes.Additional InformationWith this synergistic formula, you get food-grade Diatomaceous Earth along with organic neem leaf to enhance diatomaceous earth€™s actions while helping to protect your pet from excess dry skin.For use with or without herbal flea repellents, it€™s important to make your pet€™s environment unwelcome territory for pests. Diatomaceous Earth with Neem makes it easy to do. Sprinkle it on your pet, on his bedding, and anywhere he likes to spend his time.Take charge today and order Diatomaceous Earth with Neem for a happy, comfortable pet and inviting home and yard.Suggested UseIn Home Use: Sprinkle lightly around kennels, bedding and other areas where animals frequent. Sprinkle around home, along baseboards, in corners and hard-to-reach crevices such as between appliancesOutdoor Use: Sprinkle generously around perimeter of home. Sprinkle over top of garden soil, dust leaves of plants. Direct Application: Apply sparingly and thoroughly brush into animal’s coat, avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth. CAUTION: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS: Can cause eye irritation. Do not inhale powder, wear a suitable dusk mask when using this product for prolonged periods.

Specification: Diatomaceous Earth with Neem | Dr Mercola | 454g



Dr Mercola


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