Oase Biorb Air Pump For All Biorbs

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Safe, low voltage replacement air pump for the baby biOrb. The air pump on your biOrb works very hard, 24 hours a day and will eventually wear out. You may notice that the pump becomes noisier or the bubbles less vigorous at which point it may be time to replace the air pump. Replacing the air pump is simply a case of unplugging the old one and plugging in the new. Simple instructions are supplied. If your air pump stops working replace it as soon as you can to minimise interruption to the filtration. It is advisable to keep a spare air pump so that if it fails you can replace it straight away. If the bubbles have stopped it may not be the air pump that has failed. Check your air line, non-retun valve your airstone to make sure they are all functioning correctly.

Specification: Oase Biorb Air Pump For All Biorbs





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