Syntol AMD | 360 Capsules | Arthur Andrews Medical | Supplement Hub UK

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Contains 13.6 Billion CFUs of probiotics Counteracts too much candida yeast production that causes bloating, gas, fatigue and immune malfunction Counteracts intestinal imbalance Supports a healthy microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract Arthur Andrew Medical is an American brand based in Scottsdale, AZ that provides sustainably harvested supplements. High standards of harvesting and production Enzyme and probiotic-based dietary supplements All products manufactured in the US This proprietary formula, Syntol AMD, helps counteract both candida yeast overproduction and intestinal imbalance from poor diets, insufficient nutrition, drinking, smoking and/or high stress. Syntol is a scientifically formulated combination of enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics that helps support healthy yeast levels. Candida yeast helps with digestion and nutrient absorption at normal levels, but when it is in excess, it leads to bloating, gas, fatigue and immune malfunction. This formula contains 13.6 Billion CFUs (Colony Forming Units) of powerful probiotic strains such as the potent B. subtilis known for delivering healthy flora to the intestine and thus promoting healthy bowel and diges

Specification: Syntol AMD | 360 Capsules | Arthur Andrews Medical | Supplement Hub UK



Arthur Andrew Medical


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